Being a catalytic leader
Every leader has multiple relationships going on simultaneously – from close managerial and peer relationships to political relationships inside your organisation and through to relationships outside your organisation. You’ll no doubt on your leadership journey so far have come across Steven Covey’s circles of influence and control? Want a reminder, well here’s a neat idea.
My favourite leadership book ever
When people say what is your favourite leadership book, one springs to mind. I will admit it is not my favourite in readability but in terms of leadership books that have the most profound impact, learned optimism is one of the best and longest lasting impacts any book has had for me
Retraining a downward dog
As we looked at in the last article for a cat, the concept of the idea is paramount. A cat’s super strength is in spinning the ball so you can see a new angle, perhaps one not seen before and then bringing in some new players to add more energy and more perspective. The cat motive is to grow the idea, not grow themselves and it’s all about positive forward momentum.
Are you guilty of being a hippo leader?
Are you guilty of being a hippo leader - the one where the highest paid person’s opinion counts the most?